Form 3 History Topical Questions : Economic Developments During the Colonial Period in Kenya
1. State the reasons for the construction of the Uganda railway.
2. Who constructed the Uganda Railway?
3. Why did the British use Indian coolies to construct the Uganda Railway?
4. Who provided labour in the building of the Uganda Railway?
5. Give the name of the engineer who was in charge of the construction of the Uganda railway.
6. Mention the feeder lines that were laid out in the construction of Uganda railway in order to easily access the interior.
7. State the problems encountered during the construction of the Uganda railway.
8. Discuss the consequences / effects of the construction of the Uganda railway.
9. Mention ways in which the government encouraged settlement of white settlers in the White Highlands.
10. Name the British commissioner in Kenya between 1900 and 1904.
11. Mention two colonial governors who encouraged European settlers to come to Kenya.
12. State the reasons why white settlers were persuaded to come to Kenya.
13. Discuss the factors that promoted settler farming in Kenya.
14. Discuss the problems experienced by white settlers in the early years in Kenya.
15. Mention the main crops cultivated by the white settlers.
16. Give the reasons why Africans were not allowed to grow coffee by the white settlers until 1937.
17. State the challenges experienced during stock rearing by white settlers such as Lord Delamere.
18. Give the role of welfare organization in Kenya during the colonial period.
19. Mention the economic developments that took place in Kenya during the colonial period.
20. Discuss the method employed by the colonial government to acquire labour for settlers.
21. State the reasons why Africans were unwilling to provide labour in settler farms.
22. State the reason why the legislative council passed the Colonial Land Acts and Ordinances.
23. Explain the land policies that were enacted by the legislative council in colonial Kenya.
24. Give the year that Kenya was declared a British East Africa Protectorate.
25. State the main reason for encouraging settler farming in Kenya.
26. Explain ways through which the colonial government promoted settler farming.
27. State ways through which the colonial government controlled the migration of Africans to urban centres.
28. Discuss the impact of the colonial land policies.
29. Explain the terms / recommendations of the Devonshire white paper of 1923.
30. Identify the colonial government document aimed at solving racial conflict in Kenya.
31. State the grievances of the white settlers in the Devonshire White Paper of 1923.
32. State the grievances of the Asians in the Devonshire White Paper of 1923.
33. State the grievances of the Africans in the Devonshire White Paper of 1923.
34. State the significance / effects of the Devonshire white paper of 1923.
35. Name the first white man / missionary to be appointed to represent African interest in the legislative council in 1924.
36. Mention the towns that were already in existence in Kenya before the advent of colonialism.
37. Define the term urbanization.
38. Discuss the factors for urbanization in colonial Kenya.
39. State reasons why Africans in Kenya moved to urban centres during the colonial period.
40. State the problems faced by Africans in urban centres during the colonial period.
41. Discuss the positive impact of urbanization during the colonial period.
42. Discuss the negative impact of urbanization during colonial era.
43. Highlight the ways in which colonial government-controlled migration of Africans to urban centres.
44. Who introduced Western education and healthcare in Kenya?
45. Identify the schools established by Africans to give education to Africans during the colonial period.
46. Name the four groups that provided formal education in colonial Kenya.
47. Mention the factors that led to tremendous improvement in provision of education between 1940 and 1963 in Kenya.
48. State the features of missionary / colonial education in Kenya.
49. State the objectives of missionary education.
50. Mention ways in which missionaries fulfilled their objectives of offering education in Africa.
51. Mention the three levels of Western education in Kenya. .
52. Mention the two types of schools in the primary levels of western education in the colonial Kenya.
53. State the characteristics of bush schools during the colonial period in Kenya.
54. State the characteristics of the central schools in the colonial Kenya.
55. Mention the recommendations of the Fraser Commission of 1908 to the government.
56. State the recommendations of the Phelps Stokes Education Commission.
57. State the reasons why secondary education was an exclusive right of Europeans.
58. State the role of Africans in the provision of education during the colonial period in Kenya.
59. State the main objectives for establishing health centres during colonial period.
60. State the role of Africans in health provision during the colonial period.
61. Explain the contribution of Lord Delamere in promotion of settler farming in Kenya during the colonial period?